Zero Traffic Offences. Zero Tragedy.

Tasmanian drivers are being urged to go back to basics under a campaign aimed at reminding road users about the traffic rules.

The first stage of Operation Zero, developed in partnership with the Road Safety Advisory Council, has been an education campaign through social media and radio about the road rules and how they contribute to road safety.

“Now we’re giving notice that Operation Zero is entering a second stage; involving police resources from around the state in a 24 hour campaign from 00:01 Wednesday 3 July, focussing on breaches of Tasmania’s traffic laws,” said Acting Deputy Commissioner, Donna Adams.

“Road safety is a priority for Tasmania Police and it’s something that we focus on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In recent years Tasmania Police has had a strong focus on high-risk behaviour on highways and major arterial roads.  The message is getting through that speeding has serious consequences.

“It’s now timely to remind drivers that taking risks like driving through an amber light, failing to give way or not using indicators can also result in a crash,” said Ms Adams.

“There were close to 6,000 crashes in Tasmania in 2012, and Macquarie Street, Liverpool Street and Sandy Bay Road in Hobart were the urban roads with the most crashes.  Those crashes are not just inconvenient and costly for those involved, they can cause injuries that can have a long term impact.”

Operation Zero aims to reduce the number of these crashes by encouraging drivers to follow the road rules – all the time.

“Wherever possible, officers will be issuing cautions to drivers who break the rules.  Operation Zero is about education and awareness,” said Ms Adams.

“If every driver keeps to these basic rules then the potential for crashes is minimised, Zero Traffic Offences, Zero Tragedy.”