Williams Street shooting update

Tasmanian Police continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the shooting incident in William Street, Devonport, early yesterday morning.

In particular police want to establish the source of the firearm, a Winchester shotgun.  Investigations have determined the offender, a 35 year old man from Burnie, acquired the firearm in the past three months.

The firearm was not registered, and the offender did not have a firearms licence.

“We would like to hear from anyone who has information about how the offender acquired the firearm.  Information can be provided to Police on 131444 or anonymously through CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at crimestopperstas.com.au,” said Detective Inspector Kim Steven.

The person who assisted the offender in sourcing the firearm is encouraged to contact detectives, without fear of prosecution.

“It is important we establish the sequence of events which led up to the incident,” said Detective Inspector Steven.

“The firearm was imported legally in the 1970s, prior to the Firearms Act 1996, and has never been registered.”

“Illegal firearms pose a significant risk to the community, as we have seen with the tragic events of yesterday.

“These events will have a lifelong impact on the families involved,” he said.

Tasmania has a permanent firearms amnesty.  That means unregistered, unwanted or illegal firearms and ammunition can be surrendered to police or a firearms dealer without fear of prosecution.

“I encourage anyone who has, or has knowledge of, illegal firearms, to hand them in.”

Police can advise the 38 year old woman remains in the Launceston General Hospital in a stable condition.

Next of kin have provided permission for the names of the deceased to be released.  Pending confirmation from post mortems the deceased are:

Christopher Walters DOB 11/4/89 (victim)

Paul Carey DOB 14/2/86 (offender)