Westpac Rescue Helicopter recovers injured cyclist near Wayatinah
At 11.00am this morning the Westpac Rescue Helicopter was activated to attend a cycling accident on the Lyell Highway approximately 2km north-west of Wayatinah towards Tarraleah.
A 59 year old South Australian man had crashed on a downhill section of the highway. He was riding with a group of cyclists from a South Australian cycling club of which he is a member. The group are completing a 10 day charity ride, ‘Tour of Tasmania’.
The man had facial and spinal injuries and was treated initially at the scene by a GP visiting the state from Western Australia.
The Helicopter was able to land in a cleared Pine Forest a short distance from the scene.
The Helicopter Paramedic and road ambulance crews treated the man for nearly an hour before he was carried on a stretcher by his fellow cyclists to the helicopter.
He was taken to the Hobart Cenotaph helipad and transferred to the Royal Hobart Hospital in a stable condition.
The Westpac Helicopter crew would like to thank Dr Jo, the visiting GP from WA and also the motoring public who were delayed for over an hour while the Lyell Highway was closed as the patient was treated and transported to the helicopter.