Western Explorer now open

Following assessment of current public roads closed in the Circular Head/Arthur River area as a result of recent fire activity, the majority of roads have been opened to the public with the exception of;

  • Sumac Road from Lake Chisholm Road turn-off South,
  • Rapid River Road from the intersection with Sumac Road to the intersection with Tayatea Road, and
  • Tayatea Road from the intersection with Rapid River to 500m south of the Tayatea Bridge on Arthur River.


The following Roads opened at 8am this morning;

  • Norfolk Road (Western Explorer) from the intersection with Rebecca Road/Blackwater Road to Corinna Road,
  • Blackwater Road from Norfolk Road (Western Explorer) to Sumac Road (Kanunnah) Bridge on the Arthur River,
  • Rebecca Road from the intersection with Norfolk Road to the intersection with Temma Road,
  • Unnamed road/track from the Sandy Cape Track East to Norfolk Road, and

At Mawbanna,

  • Rabalga Road South from Dip Falls Road to Rabalga track to and including the Big Tree loop.


Forestry Tasmania and the Parks and Wildlife Service have expressed concerns regarding all other internal roads and tracks due to the very real danger of damaged trees falling on the tracks.  All internal tracks and roads under the control of Forestry remain closed.