Week of Action targeting motorcycle safety

On the week beginning Monday 28 May, Western Road and Public Order Services will conduct duties focusing on safe motorbike riding behaviour.


To date this calendar year, 6 out of a total of 14 fatalities on Tasmanian roads have involved motorbike riders. That is 43% of all fatalities. As such it’s clear that motorbike riders are significantly over represented in Tasmania’s serious and fatal crashes.


In general, the majority of fatalities involving motorbikes can be attributed to errors made or offences committed by the rider, not other road users.


During the Week of Action, police will be focusing their attention on education and law enforcement relating to the most vulnerable of our road users. The message we want motorbike riders to take away from this week is:


Be aware. Take care. Survive.


  • Be aware of your heightened vulnerability on the road;
  • Understand that your actions and choices whilst riding directly influence YOUR safety and YOUR level of risk on the road;
  •  Anticipate and avoid hazards and risks by employing safe riding practices and wearing protective clothing;
  • Be aware that the very nature of motorcycle riding demands more focus and a more complex skill set than driving a car. As such, if you are tired or affected by alcohol or drugs, you are even more likely to be involved in a crash;
  • Be aware of your abilities and limitations. Respect Tasmania’s roads.
  • Think before undertaking risky rider behaviour.



During this week, if you are riding on a motorcycle, whether it be on a highway or a rural road, be prepared to see police and if you are spoken to, heed their advice regarding your safety while travelling on Tasmania’s roads.