Walk Safely to School Day

Police are using National Walk Safely to School Day to remind both children and grown-ups of the importance of pedestrian safety, every day.

“Today is a great opportunity to make sure our young Tasmanians know what to do to keep themselves safe near our roadways, but it’s also an important reminder for the adults,” said Inspector Jim Semmens.

“Until they’re eight years old children should be holding a grown-up’s hand if they’re on a footpath or in a car park.”

“And if they’re under the age of 10, they should always be holding a grown-up’s hand when crossing the road.”

“We want both children and adults to remember to ‘Stop! Look! Listen! Think!’ every time they’re crossing, and to make sure they’re crossing in a safe place.”

“Importantly, we need drivers to always be aware of pedestrians, but this is even more important near schools.”

“Young children are more vulnerable near traffic because they are smaller and can be harder to see.”

“Sometimes kids can also be a bit impulsive and unpredictable, so drivers need to slow down to 40km/h or less in school zones, and within 50 metres of a school bus with its lights flashing.”

School zone road safety tips:

•           Slow down to 40km/h or less in school zones and within 50m of a school bus with flashing lights

•           Drive with due care and attention, be alert for children and stop for people at crossings

•           Wherever possible pedestrians should cross at designated crossings

•           Supervise young children while they wait at bus stops or crossroads

•           Obey parking laws around school zones