Vessel adrift – George Town

At approximately 5pm on 22 November 2015 police were advised of a 40 foot fishing vessel adrift 5 Nm north of the Low Head Lighthouse following engine failure.

A vessel from George Town was despatched to tow the stricken vessel, unfortunately this vessel encountered engine difficulties at the mouth of the Tamar and required towing back to berth. A second vessel was then sent but was unable to recover the skipper, the sole occupant, due to the weather conditions.

The skipper then set his anchor approximately 2Nm of the shore, north of Two Mile Reef. Police maintained communication with the skipper throughout the night.

The vessel continued to drag the anchor overnight and as a result was within 1 Nm of the coast by morning.

This morning the skipper requested evacuation from the vessel, as he feared it would continue to drag the anchor with the forecast weather conditions and break up on the rocks.

At about 9am this morning Tasports were requested to assist with their pilot vessel. The Westpac Rescue Helicopter was also tasked to attend in the event that the Tasports vessel was unsuccessful.

The Tasports vessel recovered the skipper at approximately 10.30am. Assistance from the helicopter crew was not required and they returned to Cambridge.

The vessel is currently moored, on anchor, at 40° 00.77’S 146° 51.27’E with a white running light illuminated. MAST have been notified to facilitate the issue of a ‘Notice to Mariners’.