Updated Release – Missing People

Tasmania Police hold grave concerns for a man missing from Ouse and a woman missing from Latrobe this morning.

The man, in his 80s, was swept away in flood waters from his property in Ouse around 8am this morning.

The search and rescue operation, using police, search and rescue specialists, State Emergency Service staff and volunteers and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter has unfortunately found no trace of the missing man.

Inspector McCreadie said “Significant resources were used today in an attempt to locate the missing man, but our efforts have been hampered by the conditions and the flood waters.”

At this time search operations have been suspended until first light with consideration to the height of the river and safety considerations.

In Latrobe, flood waters are still too dangerous to search the home of the missing woman, who is aged in her 70s. Her husband was rescued by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter this morning via the roof of the property.

“Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who are missing, at this difficult time.”

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter has assisted in the rescue of approximately 107 people from flood affected areas today.