Update to warning for rainfall and damaging winds

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued flood warnings with 30 – 80mm of rain across the North & North West of Tasmania from Sunday evening into Monday with further rainfall expected into Tuesday.

This may result in some river rises during Monday and Tuesday:

Minor Flood Warning

  • South Esk – in the upper reaches from Tuesday
  • North Esk – in the river catchment during Monday
  • Meander – in the river catchment during Monday

Minor to Moderate Flood Warning

  • Mersey River – river rises expected from early Monday morning


Previous warnings of wind gusts up to 100km/h have been downgraded, however SES advises the public in these areas:


  • Drive to the conditions – Do not drive, walk, swim or cycle through flood waters
  • People clearing debris near rivers should take precautions due to rapid water level rises and possibility of shifting debris.
  • Beware of damaged trees and power lines, due to the saturated ground, trees may fall under weaker winds
  • Farmers and graziers on low lying areas are advised to move stock and agricultural equipment to higher ground
  • Secure outdoor items including furniture and play equipment (i.e. trampolines are a frequent issue in high winds)
  • Check that family and neighbours are aware of warnings
  • Manage pets and livestock
  • Be prepared in case of power outages
  • Ensure drains and gutters are clear of debris and are running freely
  • Disaster preparedness is a shared responsibility



For flood and storm emergency assistance, contact the SES on 132 500


SES has volunteer units on standby.