Update – lost bushwalker near Mount Anne

Tasmania Police are continuing to search the Mount Anne areas, in the South West National Park, for missing bush walker:


Mr Xavier Lane-Mullins, aged 37 years of Blackmans Bay.


Mr Mullins contacted police shortly after 3pm yesterday to indicate he was lost, disoriented and that his mobile phone battery was running low. A short time later mobile phone communications were lost.


Mr Mullins indicated he was wearing a raincoat, thermals and shorts at the time and was only prepared for a day walk.


Police deployed the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and ground search crews were activated however, they were not successful in locating Mr Mullins last evening.


Tasmania Police ground crews, assisted by SES volunteers continued to search through the night, without success.


Additional resources including;


  • The Westpac Rescue Helicopter;
  • Police Search and Rescue crews;
  • Specialist tracking dogs;
  • State Emergency Services; and
  • Civilian bush walking clubs


have been deployed this morning, however the weather in the area has, at times, hindered air searches.


Police hold concerns for the welfare of Mr Mullins, due to the prevailing weather conditions and the time that Mr Mullins has now been missing.


Search efforts will continue in an attempt to locate Mr Mullins.


Tasmania Police are in regular contact with Mr Mullins family, to provide them timely information about the search effort and support.


Tasmania Police renew their calls for any bush walkers who were in the Mount Anne area yesterday to contact police on 131 444, as they may have information which could assist to narrow the search area.