Update – bus convoys to collect vehicles

Tasmania Police is arranging bus convoys to allow people to collect their vehicles from Nubeena and Port Arthur, and return to Sorell. If you wish to join a convoy, you must register with Tasmania Police. Drivers cannot return to properties on the Tasman Peninsula (all drivers must join the convoy back to Sorell).

  • Wednesday, 9 January 2013 – CONVOY IS NOW FULL
  • Thursday, 10 January (9am departure) – convoy registrations are now being taken
    – scheduled to leave Sorell Police Station at 9am; people wanting to take part must arrive and register by 8.30am.

Anyone who has a vehicle stranded at Nubeena or Port Arthur who would like to collect it is asked to register with Tasmania Police by phoning (03) 6265 4955; or registering at Sorell Police Station. To join the convoy:

  • only the driver of the vehicle is able to be transported by bus
  • the driver must be confident their vehicle has sufficient fuel for the return journey (fuel cannot be transported on bus)
  • drivers must join the return convoy to be escorted back to Sorell.

  • People who would like information on the bushfire recovery process can subscribe to email updates at www.dpac.tas.gov.au/bushfires_in_tasmania
  • For more information on the fire situation and support services, contact 1800 567 567.
  • For up-to-date bushfire information, visit the Tasmania Fire Service website at www.fire.tas.gov.au
  • For Police information and Road Closures visit www.police.tas.gov.au
  • Information on grants and other support available to those affected by fires can be found at www.dpac.tas.gov.au/bushfires
  • There are many people who remain unaccounted for, and police urge people to register their details with the National Registration and Inquiry Service on 1800 727 077 or via www.redcross.org.au