U-Turn Program Graduation Course 41

A Glenorchy man whose car was stolen and later burnt out is the recipient of a vehicle that has been restored by the graduates of U-Turn Course 41.

U-Turn is a diversionary program that aims to assist young people between the ages of 15 and 20 who are at risk of becoming involved in criminal activity, particularly motor vehicle theft.

Today marks the culmination of 10 weeks of hard work, with the seven participants receiving their graduation certificates and presenting the car to its new owner.

The U-Turn participants have come from around the state and have acquired the skills needed to repair and restore a damaged vehicle. The course focuses on mechanical training, spray-painting and bodywork while also addressing life skills and literacy and numeracy tuition.

“I congratulate this group for their commitment to this course. These new skills will not only assist them in their everyday lives but also in gaining future employment,” said Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“Today is also an opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved over the last 10 weeks and see how these new skills have already been put to good use, assisting a victim of motor vehicle theft.”

The contract with Mission Australia to provide U-Turn expires in September, and will not be renewed by the Department of Police and Emergency Management.

“It hasn’t been an easy decision to make, unfortunately in these challenging economic times everything is under review and we’ve had to make changes,” Mr Hine said.

“We are confident though that over the last 10 years Tasmania Police, along with the other agencies involved with U-Turn, has been able to make a positive difference to the lives of many who have participated in this program,” he said.