Two property fires St Helens

Two Properties Damaged by Fire in St Helens Overnight


Police and Fire Service personnel have attended two property fires in St Helens overnight.

A fire at a residence in Medeas Cove Esplanade destroyed a shed and a motor vehicle inside causing approximately $10,000 damage.

The shed was well alight by the time Fire Services were notified and was unable to be saved.  The vehicle and shed were both insured.

Meanwhile another fire at a business premises in Circassian Street caused approximately $3000 in damage to the structure.

The blaze at the premises; which was operating as a second hand clothing and goods store was detected early and a quick response by the local fire brigade lead to the fire being extinguished with minor damage to the structure.

However stock of an unknown value inside the store has been damaged by smoke.

Investigations are continuing into the cause of both fires.

Anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.