Two drivers caught driving at 170km/h

Two motorists have lost their licences for at least four months, have been fined $1100, and have had their vehicles clamped after being detected traveling at high speed along the Bass Highway at Westbury.

Approximately 4:20pm on Friday 8th of December police motorcyclists from Northern Highway Patrol detected a black Ford Falcon being driven by a provisional licence holder at 170km/h closely followed by a white Toyota Hilux.  The drivers were intercepted and the vehicles were later clamped for 28 days.   The drivers are now the subject of set periods of licence disqualifications.

Whilst the officers were dealing with those drivers two motorcyclists passed by at similar excessive speeds.

“Such excessive speed on a major highway, in peak hour Friday afternoon traffic, is outright dangerous to all road users and could very easily result in a fatal crash” says Senior Constable Rockliff.  “In the lead up to Christmas, into the new year, police will be focusing on such high-risk driving, anywhere, anytime.”

“Members of the community are encouraged to report dangerous driving at the time, by calling 131444; and those with footage can upload their videos for follow-up by police via the link on the Tasmania Police website.”

Anyone who observed these particular vehicles speeding, or can assist with information leading to the identity of the two Suzuki motorcycles sighted speeding by police, is asked to contact police on 131444 or crime stoppers on 1800 333 000, or online at