Testing of Launceston Flood Siren

Tasmania Police advises that the Launceston Flood Siren will be tested on Monday, October 4, at midday. The siren is tested twice a year in line with daylight savings changes.

The Acting Commander of the Northern District, Darren Hopkins, said Launceston was a flood prone municipality, with the suburbs of Invermay and Inveresk particularly at risk.

“In the event of a major flood, approximately 3000 residents and up to 270 businesses would require evacuation from the Invermay/Inveresk area,” he said.

“Tasmania Police has in place a flood evacuation plan. As the lead agency for evacuation, we are confident that we are well prepared. We have a sound plan in place, as well as the support of local SES volunteers."

Should an evacuation of the Invermay/Inveresk area be required, the siren will sound for 1 minute every 15 minutes to notify residents and businesses of the need to evacuate. The siren sounds similar to a traditional air raid siren.

The flood siren is located at the southern end of the Invermay area. A second siren is planned to be located at the northern end of Invermay.

"Feedback from previous tests of the siren indicate that certain weather conditions can at times make the siren difficult to hear for people located at the northern end of Invermay,” Acting Commander Hopkins said. “A secondary siren will ensure a much broader coverage of the area, assisting police and SES in their preparedness and response efforts".

For information on what to do before, during and after a flood, contact the Launceston City Council on (03) 6323 3000, or go to Council’s website at http://www.launceston.tas.gov.au.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296