Telephone fraud warning

Tasmania Police has again reminded the community not to give credit card or bank details to unsolicited callers.

Recently, several people have been contacted by phone and requested to either give credit card details or transfer money to overseas accounts.

On the 7th of July 2010 a 55 year old Glenorchy woman was contacted on her home phone by a female purporting to be from a debt collecting agency in Victoria. The caller stated the woman was eligible to receive a substantial amount of money from falsely claimed charges from her bank dating back 40 years. The woman was asked to pay GST costs into an overseas account in order to claim the money.

On the 2nd of August 2010 a 63 year old woman from Rosetta was contacted by a male purporting to be a representative of Microsoft Computer Company. The man claimed the company had noticed the woman’s computer contained viruses, and offered to fix the computer for payment via credit card. This follows similar reports in the North-West of Tasmania.

Most calls received suggest that callers are fluent in English however speak with a heavy accent.  Most calls originate overseas and are received via an Australian exchange point.

Members of the public are reminded to be vigilant with unsolicited callers and not give out credit card, bank account or personal details to these people.

Tasmania Police Media and Marketing Services
(03) 6230 2296