Taxi driver robbed

Hobart Detectives are searching for two males who robbed a female taxi driver at knife point in the early hours of this morning. The driver was responding to a call for a taxi to a phone box at the corner of Milles Street and Huon Road just after 2am.

On arrival a male person wearing a dark stocking over his head entered the passenger side of the taxi and then another male approached the driver’s door.

The male in the taxi was holding a knife and demanded money from the driver. After taking some notes, coins and personal belongings the two males left after one threatened the driver not to contact police.

One male is describes as early twenties, slim athletic build and had very defined cheekbones.

The second male was wearing a dark hooded top pulled over his head and was slim build but with broad shoulders.

Police are seeking any information that the public may have concerning this matter.

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