Tasmania Police welcomes report on PV Fortescue

Tasmania Police has welcomed the findings of the Auditor-General’s report into the PV Fortescue and has already taken steps to implement the recommendations.

The PV Fortescue has undertaken a number of sea patrols since December last year, but the capacity of Tasmania Police to meet its search and rescue and marine enforcement obligations is limited by the vessel’s offshore capabilities.

While other deficiencies have been largely rectified, the vessel continues to have vibration and noise issues which impact on the crew’s endurance and comfort. These issues are exacerbated in rough seas.

Works are being undertaken by industrial noise specialists to reduce noise levels and until the modifications are complete the PV Fortescue will only be used in emergency situations.

Tasmania Police will shortly cause an external review to be conducted on all off shore assets, including the PV Vigilant, the PV Van Diemen and the PV Fortescue to develop a strategic maintenance and replacement programme to address the current and future needs.

Tasmania Police has also improved its procurement and asset management processes in response to the Auditor-General’s review. One of those improvements has resulted in the establishment of a Procurement Committee for all goods and services exceeding $5000. It is anticipated that this process improvement will enhance future procurements.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296