Tasmania Police urge safety on the roads

Tasmania Police are concerned about the recent fatal crashes that have occurred in the state during the past two weeks.

It is of particular concern that over a fourteen day period four people have lost their lives on Tasmanian roads.  While the road toll is currently 15 compared to 16 at the same period last year, the recent loss of four lives has Police urging all drivers to be more careful on our roads and in particular take more time to get to their destination.

Investigations are still continuing into the cause of the crashes, however in three of the fatal crashes, one of the vehicles has been on the incorrect side of the road at the time of the collision.  State Traffic Coordinator – Inspector Mark Beech-Jones said “It is alarming that in a number of these instances vehicles have been overtaking when unsafe to do so”

“We are extremely concerned about this error of judgment that has turned into a significant tragedy and the loss of a life” said Inspector Mark Beech-Jones.

Tasmania Police will continue to conduct high visibility patrols and operations on Tasmanian roads focusing on those factors that contribute to serious and fatal crashes.

In support of this strategy during the Queens Birthday holiday weekend Police conducted high visibility operations within regional towns focusing on drink driving.  The focus of the Operation was the set up of high visibility sites within regional centres with the following towns being visited; Scottsdale, Beaconsfield, Longford, Orford, Triabunna, Swansea, Oatlands, Sorell, Richmond, Brighton, New Norfolk, Geeveston, Huonville, Kettering, Margate, Smithton (Circular Head), Forth, Devonport Rural and Sprent.

More than 3000 drivers were breath test with 30 being detected for drink driving.  41 drugs tests were conducted and 3 positive results require further analysis.  Operations in Geeveston and Smithton resulted in three drink drivers in each town being detected whilst the remaining offenders were equally spread throughout the regions.

Inspector Mark Beech Jones said “while the road toll at this stage may be lower that in previous years I urge all Tasmanians drivers/riders to be patient to other road users, drive safely to the conditions andin particular urge all drivers to ensure that when overtaking that they allow sufficient room and visibility to ensure that it is safe to do so”.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296