Tasmania Police response regarding coronial report

Commissioner Donna Adams today noted the coronial report of Coroner Olivia McTaggart regarding the death of Geoffrey Russell Mason at Brighton on 17 February 2020.

Commissioner Adams paid tribute to the three attending officers, saying they had acted professionally and courageously throughout the incident and its aftermath.

“I want to personally acknowledge the officers involved and how they responded to what was a confronting, dynamic and rapidly escalating incident and the ongoing professionalism they have displayed over the last four years,” Commissioner Adams said.

“The incident and follow-up investigation and coronial inquiry has been an emotional and difficult time for our officers who responded, their families and friends and colleagues and the family of the victim.

“This incident reminds us of the challenging environment that our police officers work in on a daily basis and the importance of our training, leadership and teamwork in responding to calls for assistance from the community.

“No police officer wishes to be faced with the circumstances of that day.  This was a tragic outcome for everyone involved and our thoughts and sympathies continue to be with Mr Mason’s family as well as everyone affected by this tragic incident.”

In her findings Coroner McTaggart said:

  1. The lethal force used by the officers involved was justified and proportionate to the threat posed by Mr Mason.
  2. All police officers who attended the incident acted in accordance with the Tasmania Police Manual.
  3. Significant credit must go to Professional Standards for its comprehensive, professional and impartial investigation.

Commissioner Adams also welcomed the Coroner’s noting of the high quality of evidence provided by Tasmania Police experts in the areas of ballistics, crash investigation, forensic pathology and toxicology.