Tasmania Police budget position

The Department of Police and Emergency Management is taking steps to manage the impact of the State Budget.

Given the uncertainty concerning the budget position, as an interim measure Tasmania Police will not fill vacancies until the budget situation is known.

“The Department has the flexibility to implement vacancy control as a result of 30 additional positions that were created. The number of sworn officers is currently the highest it’s ever been,” said Assistant Commissioner, Phil Wilkinson.

After the March graduation, Tasmania Police currently has 1,212 sworn officers. “The decision has been made to return to our previous authorised operating level of 1,198 sworn officers.”

“Our numbers will not fall below that number prior to the State Budget. After that we will reassess our operating numbers and services to meet our budget,” said Mr Wilkinson.

“These sworn officer positions are not being abolished.” The Department has already put recruit courses on hold until more is known about the future budget.

“Vacancy control also applies to State Service positions. We will be examining each position that becomes vacant to see if it needs to be filled,” said Mr Wilkinson.

“The Department is continuing to examine ways to make savings that minimise the impact on frontline operations. Regardless, everything remains on the table.”

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2867