Tasmania Police and PCYC working together

Tasmania Police and the Tasmanian Association of Police and Community Youth Clubs (PCYC Association) have formalised their commitment to assisting ‘at-risk’ young people.

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed today for Tasmania Police to provide ongoing support for PCYCs to continue to offer recreational and development activities to engage young people and reduce crime.

The agreement provides for an annual financial commitment of almost $1 million and a sustainable model for the PCYCs to continue their valuable work in youth engagement programs.

Under the MoU, Tasmania Police will continue to provide a full-time police officer at the Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, Bridgewater and Clarence PCYCs to fill the role of Club Officer, delivering and managing ‘at risk’ programs.

Police will also contribute $45,000 each financial year to the Hobart, Launceston PCYCs towards the salary of a full time Club Manager. Burnie and Bridgewater PCYCs currently have two Police officers, and will transition to the new arrangement in due course.

The financial support from Tasmania Police also includes funds to assist PCYCs with expenses such as council rates, utilities and insurance.