Tasmania Police acting on international student safety

The following is a statement by Acting Assistant Commissioner Colin Little, provided to The Mercury newspaper on Thursday July 29 in response to a journalist’s questions:

The number of assaults that may be racially motivated in Tasmania is very small compared to the total number of assaults complaints received by police. However, Tasmania Police acknowledges the concerns that exist in relation to student safety.

In partnership with the University of Tasmania, the Department of Education and other state and local government agencies, Tasmania Police has adopted a range of measures aimed at improving the experience and personal safety of all international students studying in Tasmania. Tasmania Police is also contributing to national and strategic initiatives through its participation as a member of the International Education Round Table Working Party.

The University of Tasmania, in conjunction with Tasmania Police and other agencies, formed a Student Experience and Cultural Awareness Taskforce, aimed at addressing issues surrounding student safety with particular attention to international students. The taskforce has already addressed many issues of concern.

Tasmania Police continues to maintain a close working relationship with the University of Tasmania International Services, including attendance at all international student orientation days and the delivery of targeted presentations to all international students at the University addressing issues of personal safety.

Tasmania Police provides a highly visible police presence in and around the university campuses, particularly in Hobart and Launceston, and has provided an officer as a University Liaison Officer for the Hobart campus. In addition to having a State Multicultural Liaison Officer, each police geographic district also has a Multicultural Liaison Officer.

Plain clothed patrols by the Southern District Public Order Response Team have been increased in areas frequented by students and there have been several successful prosecutions.

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(03) 6230 2867