Tailgaters beware

Tailgaters beware

Tasmania Police are taking action against tailgaters.

The month-long focus on those who tailgate is part of an initiative to reduce crashes on Southern Tasmanian roads.

The correct legal terminology for tailgating offences includes ‘following another vehicle too closely’ and ‘following another vehicle too closely to stop safely’.

Offending drivers can be fined one demerit point and $140.

Sergeant Troy Morrisby said:

“Following another vehicle too closely can not only be unnerving for the driver in the vehicle ahead, it is very dangerous.

“In higher speed zones following another vehicle too closely can have tragic consequences.”

While there is no legal definition of ‘too close’ drivers are obligated to use common sense, drive to the conditions and drive safely.

Drivers in 50km/h zones should leave a 2 second gap to the vehicle in front, in an 80km/h zone this should be approximately 3 seconds and in 100km/h zones drivers should increase the space to 4 seconds.

At higher speeds braking distances are substantially increased. These distance should be further extended in poor weather and road conditions.

Sgt Morrisby said:

“Really what we’re asking is for drivers to think about distances and display common sense.

“Those driving within a car length of the car in front could reasonably expect police to pull them over.

“Penalties can vary from a verbal warning, written caution or infringement notice, dependant on the circumstances.”