Support for Hobart PCYC

Tasmania Police is committed to Police and Community Youth Clubs and regrets the decision by the board of the Hobart PCYC to tender their resignation. 

“It was a difficult decision to remove one Constable from the Hobart PCYC, but it was taken in response to the budget reductions the Department is required to meet,” said Assistant Commissioner Donna Adams.

The Department received a reduction of $4 million for the 2012-13 financial year, on top of an $8 million cut in 2011-12. Significant additional savings must be found due to other cost pressures.

“It is important to note that the Department’s contribution to PCYCs across the State was $950,000 last financial year,” said Ms Adams.

“The Department also supports the Hobart PCYC in providing the building and paying for amenities and expenses. This contribution has not been reduced.”

Almost all of the six PCYCs in the state operate with one police officer and we intend to provide a lengthy period of support for the Hobart PCYC during the transition.”

Support will also be provided to the PCYC State body to enable the Hobart club to continue to operate.

Police are committed to PCYCs and highly value the work they do, particularly in youth engagement and crime reduction.

Tasmania Police also involved in a number of other programs in preventing and dealing with youth offending or supporting young people at risk.  Other initiatives include the Police in Schools Program, Early Intervention Youth Action Units and Inter-Agency Support Teams to identify and support young people to prevent the likelihood of offending. 

“Tough decisions need to be made if the Department is to continue to efficiently serve the community within the constraints of the budget and we encourage board members to reconsider their decision and instead work alongside us as we endeavour to provide the best possible service,” said Ms Adams.

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