Support for DARK MOFO

Tasmania Police is supportive of the arts event DARK MOFO organised by MONA, but has advised organisers that the Nude Solstice swim is contrary to the public decency provisions of the Police Offences Act.

“We don’t want to be the fun police.  We are quite happy for people to take their gear off, even in the middle of winter, but the law states they have to do it at a private location where others won’t be offended,” said Inspector Glen Woolley.

“We need to consider that the event was planned for a popular city beach and it was considered highly likely there would be complaints to police from people offended about the nudity. 

“If a complaint was received then we would have to act, and that’s not a positive outcome for an arts event,” said Inspector Glen Woolley.

“The organisers of DARK MOFO have been understanding of our advice, and decided to withdraw the event from their program.  Tasmania Police will to provide support to DARK MOFO with the provision of traffic and public order assistance.”