Student pilot killed in crash

Around 4.35pm on Sunday 24 April 2011, a red 'Airbourne Edged' Ultra light (powered glider) with two occupants, an instructing pilot and a student pilot, were flying near the Bridport Airport. They had been practising manoeuvres and were about to return to the air field to land.

The ultra light is believed to have been affected by a strong gust of wind and it crashed to the ground. The Instructing pilot was conscious, but trapped in the wreckage for a short period of time.

The crash was witnessed by the land owner at the Flying Tea Pot and a passing motorist travelling on Bridport Road. They have rushed to the scene and started CPR on the unconscious fatally injured student pilot. Police, Tasmania Ambulance and Tasmania Fire Service crews attended. The student pilot, a 55 year old male from Quoiba had died at the scene.

The Instructing pilot was taken to the Launceston General Hospital by Ambulance for treatment for a broken ankle, hip and spinal injuries.

The State Emergency Service attended and assisted with lighting and securing the scene.

A crash investigator will attend the scene tomorrow from the Recreational Aviation Association.

The cause of the crash is under investigation and a report will be prepared for the coroner.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296