Stolen Motor Vehicle Impact

On the evening of Wednesday the 20 October 2010 to the early morning of Thursday 21 October 2010, police officers based at the Bellerive Police Station arrested three offenders for three incidents of motor vehicle stealing and the associated damage.

1. At approximately 3.50 am on Thursday 21 October 2010, police were patrolling the Seven Mile Beach area and observed a white 1989 Holden Commodore sedan travelling on Surf Road, Seven Mile Beach. Police at the time were aware a white Holden Commodore had only recently been stolen. The stolen Holden approached the intersection of Acton Road and South Arm Highway where police had road spikes established, the vehicle came to an immediate stop prior to the location of the spikes. The offender has reversed the stolen Holden Commodore into the unmarked police vehicle causing extensive damage to the front of the police vehicle. The offender then drove the vehicle at two police officers who were outside their vehicle. Both officers had to take evasive action to avoid being struck. The vehicle was later abandoned and recovered by police. At approximately 09.15 am a 17 year old youth was arrested in relation to this matter and was charged with motor vehicle stealing, assault; evade police and breach of bail. The youth was detained for court by police and was later given court bail.

2. Early evening on Wednesday the 20 October 2010, a 1990 white VN Holden Commodore sedan was parked on Patrick Street, West Hobart and stolen. At 5:00am police were called to attend the report of a suspicious vehicle in the Rokeby area. Upon arrival police observed the Commodore travelling along Tollard Drive. Police attempted to intercept the vehicle that performed a u-turn and accelerated heavily and turned right onto Burtonia Street going the wrong way around the round-a-bout. The vehicle has then turned right off Burtonia Street, and entered the Rokeby Primary School oval. The vehicle sped off towards Duntroon Drive, where the vehicle spun out of control and came to a stop. Both occupants fled the vehicle on foot onto Duntroon Drive. Police observed the driver enter a yard by jumping the fence. Police gave chase and apprehended the male in the front yard of a residence in Duntroon Court. The driver a 16 year old youth was arrested for motor vehicle stealing, evading police and driving whilst disqualified and detained for court. The youth already had a court imposed driving disqualification till December 2011 as a result of motor vehicle stealing. He later appeared in court that morning and was given court bail. The 23 year old owner of the vehicle, a university student who was in the process of preparing for his final exams, was unaware that his vehicle had been stolen when contacted by police.

3. At approximately 12.05am on Thursday the 21st October 2010 an adult male was walking along Bradman Street, Clarendon Vale when he came across a Red 1986 red Nissan Skyline which was parked at an angle near a boom gate leading to the Clarendon Vale Primary School car park. He entered the vehicle and started the car with an instrument. He drove the vehicle on Rockingham Drive where he proceeded to do an extended burn out. At this time police officers were driving on Rockingham Drive and observed a large amount of smoke coming from the rear wheels of the skyline. The offender has then sped off in a northerly direction along Rockingham Drive. As the skyline was approaching Pass Road a Police officer deployed road spikes on the side of the road. The offender has proceeded to drive directly at the police officer at high speed which caused the officer to take evasive action to avoid being hit. The skyline’s tyres were spiked and the offender drove the disabled skyline for a short distance before stopping the vehicle. A 20 year old adult offender was arrested at the vehicle. Enquiries revealed that the offender was disqualified from driving till July 2011. The offender was detained for court by police and was later given court bail.

In all three instances, the theft of the motor vehicles has caused difficulties for the people who are dependent upon them, impacting on their employment and on their finances to have the motor vehicles repaired.

Tasmania Police are conducting ongoing operations designed to detect and apprehend motor vehicle thieves, to reduce the incidence of theft and damage caused to motor vehicles which an unnecessary cost which is borne by members of the public. These three examples demonstrate that motor vehicle thieves are using vehicles predominantly for ‘joy riding’ purposes and who are driving them in a dangerous manner causing unnecessary risk to the public and police.

Members of the public can assist in deterring thieves from stealing their vehicles and the associated driving by employing target hardening techniques for vehicles older than 10 years. These techniques include:

a. Remove keys from the ignition – lock doors and windows and park in well-lit areas off the street, where possible
b. Do not leave valuable items in a motor vehicle
c. Consider using visible warning devices such as quality steering wheel locks or vehicle alarms
d. Install an immobiliser
e. Install security sensor lights in areas around homes where vehicles are parked
f. Park vehicles off the street
f. Report suspicious behaviour to police immediately, to enable police to respond in a timely manner before a vehicle is stolen

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296

The most commonly stolen vehicles in southern Tasmania are older than 10 years and in the last two months have included the following:

Holden Commodore – models 1991, 1993 & 1996   
Nissan Pulsar – models 1992 & 1993 

Subaru Liberty – models 1992, 1993, 1994 & 1996