Speeding Motorists

Hobart Police are concerned motorists travelling along Sandy Bay Road are not adhering to the 50Km/h speed limit after a speed reduction campaign was undertaken during the early hours on Sunday morning, 26 May 2013.

In a short period of time 8 motorists were detected travelling in excess of the speed limit.  On one occasion a taxi driver was detected travelling at 107Km/h, which has resulted in this driver having his driver’s licence suspended for a period 4 months.  He has also had 6 demerits points deducted from his licence and fined $900.

“Travelling at an excessive speed within a business and residential area is risk taking behaviour. Drivers should always expect the unexpected, especially when driving in an area where there are pedestrians,” said Inspector Glen Woolley, Officer-in-Charge of the Hobart Division.

“With the onset of winter fast approaching and fewer hours of daylight, motorists are reminded to slow down and drive according to the road and weather conditions.  Police will continue to undertake speed detection checks at all hours of the day and night,” he said.