Severe weather warning update

The State Emergency Service advises that a current severe weather warning for thunderstorms are likely to produce destructive winds, heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding, large hailstones and tornadoes in the warning area until at least mid afternoon. Heavy rain and hail may create damage to property. Several calls for assistance have been received for flash flooding of properties. Council staff are dealing with these incidents.

At this stage SES volunteers are currently on standby and ready to attend any arising issues.

SES advises members of the public to:

• Move your car under cover.
• Avoid driving, walking or riding through flood waters.
• Seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees.
• Avoid using the telephone during a thunderstorm.
• Beware of fallen trees and powerlines.

If you need assistance from SES volunteers due to a storm emergency the number to call is 132 500 state-wide

Media and Communications 
(03) 6230 2296