SES – Severe Weather Alert – Heavy Rain and Damaging Surf

As a result of Bureau of Meteorology advice received this afternoon, the SES is advising people across the State to make preparations for severe weather on Sunday and Monday.

Specifically, heavy rain, strong northeast winds and damaging surf are expected about northern and eastern Tasmania on Sunday and Monday. Rainfall in excess of 100mm is possible in the northeast and about the western tiers on Sunday; with falls in the range of 40 – 80mm likely to occur in the remaining parts of the north and east. Significant heavy rainfall is expected to continue into Monday.

Additionally, damaging easterly wind gusts of 80-100 km/h are possible through coastal areas in the north and east on Sunday and Monday. Due to heavy northeast swells, damaging surf conditions are also expected on the east coast on Monday; thereby leading to significant coastal erosion.

Pre-midday Saturday presents a good opportunity for members of the public to undertake preparedness strategies in order to mitigate their own risk. SES advises that precautions should include:

  • Do not drive, walk, swim or cycle through flood waters
  • Do not allow children to play near flood waters, drains or culverts; and supervise them at all times
  • Drive to the conditions – if you don’t need to drive in the wet, preferably stay indoors
  • Farmers and graziers in forecast-affected areas are advised to move stock and agricultural equipment to higher ground
  • Ensure that drains and gutters are clear of debris and are running freely
  • Secure outdoor items including furniture and play equipment (i.e. trampolines are a frequent issue in high winds)
  • Check that family and neighbours are aware of warnings
  • Be prepared in case of power outages
  • Beware of damaged trees and power lines and take care when driving
  • Listen to the ABC radio or check for further advice. Additionally, stay abreast of road closures by monitoring the Tasmania Police website or by calling 131 444
  • For flood and storm emergency assistance, contact the SES on 132 500

SES has volunteer units and management structures on standby. Remember, disaster preparedness is a shared responsibility.