Senior officer appointed to Serious Organised Crime Unit

The Serious Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) of Tasmania Police is to be expanded with the appointment of a senior Inspector.

Detective Inspector Glenn Lathey brings 28 years of investigation experience to his new position. Most recently Detective Inspector Lathey has been responsible for Southern Drug Investigation Services and prior to that spent 4 years as Inspector in the former Cold Case Unit.

As part of this Unit he was lead Detective in the investigation that led to the conviction of Stephen Roy Standage for the murders of John Thorn and Ronald Jarvis.

“The appointment of Det. Insp. Lathey demonstrates our commitment to the Serious Organised Crime Unit and the complex investigations it will undertake,” said Assistant Commissioner, Donna Adams.

Together with the Director of Public Prosecutions, the officers assigned to the Serious Organised Crime Unit are currently trialling an operating model for investigations under new unexplained wealth laws. With these legislative provisions, investigators can target the assets of criminals without the need to prove that wealth was derived from criminal activity.

The SOCU Inspector will also oversee the Fraud and eCrime Unit, which consists of 2 Sergeants, 4 investigators and 2 forensic officers.

“In line with national investigation protocols, this will align investigation units which undertake cross-border investigations involving high tech crime,” said Ms Adams.

“As police numbers increase, the appointment of additional investigators to SOCU will be considered, to reach our target of 14 officers.”

The appointment of Detective Inspector Lathey is effective from 24 November 2014.