Seizure of illegally taken abalone at Low Head

Seizure of illegally taken abalone at Low Head

Two vehicles were intercepted on the East Tamar Highway at Bell Bay yesterday, following information provided by concerned members of the public relating to the taking and possession of excess quantities of undersize abalone.

A large quantity of undersize Blacklip Abalone was located in one of the vehicles.

The abalone were subsequently counted and measured.  A total of 115 were located and ranged in size from 76.2 mm to 118.5 mm.

The minimum legal size for taking abalone in a northern zone for a recreational licence holder is 127 mm and the maximum daily bag limit is 10.

A 62 year old man will answer charges relating to taking and possession of excess quantities of undersize abalone, and will appear in the Launceston Magistrates Court at a later date.

Police extend their thanks to the members of the public for the information and assistance provided.