Second fixed speed camera ready to go live.

The second of eight new fixed speed cameras around Tasmania will go live from tomorrow morning.

The fixed speed camera is on the Southern Outlet, near the Tolmans Hill exit, capturing Hobart-bound traffic.

The fixed cameras are part of a strategy to reduce deaths and serious injuries on our roads. These cameras will be a permanent deterrent to speeding on higher risk roads.
The first of the fixed speed cameras has been operational on the Brooker Highway at Rosetta since 17 June.

“This camera is already having a positive impact on driver behaviour; test data prior to the camera going ‘live’ captured an average of 61 speed detections a day, and now the average number of detections has fallen to 16,” said Assistant Commissioner Donna Adams.

“At the Southern Outlet, Tolmans Hill, site, even the installation of the fixed camera infrastructure had an impact on drivers with three speed detections per day in the test phase,” Ms Adams said.

Infringements will be issued for speed offences from 10am Tuesday 8 September 2015.

The eight fixed camera sites will be spread throughout the State in locations that meet several criteria, including a high number of traffic crashes, a high speed limit and a high volume of traffic. The remaining fixed camera sites will be complete by mid- October.

“In 2014 speed was the number one crash factor in fatal and serious injury crashes,” said Ms Adams.

“The fixed speed cameras will operate 24/7 and will free up police to undertake other road safety duties, particularly on higher speed rural roads.”

The $470,000 project is being funded by the Road Safety Advisory Council.