Search for 22 year old woman at Somerset

The search for a 22 year old woman who went missing while swimming off Somerset Beach yesterday is continuing.

A significant number of volunteer boats, Surf Life Saving Tasmania, Tasmania Police and other vessels are searching a 200 sq nautical mile area.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter and police divers are also involved in the search.

The search area has been plotting using local knowledge of currents and data from an ocean buoy.

The young woman was swimming with her 26 year old sister and 9 year old brother when she became caught in rip.  Her siblings managed to escape the current.

Tasmania Police Inspector Adrian Shadbolt said “This is a local family and the number of volunteers assisting in the search is phenomenal.  We maintain hope but the sad reality is we are now in a search and recovery operation.”

Inspector Shadbolt urged swimmers to be aware of local conditions before entering the water.

“This beach can have very challenging conditions with strong currents.  If you are swimming at a patrolled beach, please swim between the flags.  If it’s not patrolled checked conditions at