Search And Rescue Operations

Tasmania Police hold grave fears for the safety of two elderly people affected by two separate flooding incidents.

Police are searching in the Cluny’s Road area at Ouse, after reports a man in his 80s may have been swept away by floodwaters.

Police are utilising Search and Rescue specialists, a police vessel, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and local police to search for the man. Police would also like to thank a number of local residents who have also assisted in the search effort to date.

Inspector McCreadie, the Officer in Charge of the Bridgewater Division said “This is a significant search and rescue operation, but police hold grave fears for the man, given the rising and dangerous flood waters”.

In the North West, an elderly man was rescued at 9am this morning, via the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, from his Latrobe home. He was rescued through the roof of his water inundated home. Sadly, the man’s wife is missing.

In Latrobe, several other properties have been evacuated by boat. A group of 7 people were rescued from a property near Latrobe, with the assistance of community members and their dinghy.

Police also rescued a family of three from the roof of their vehicle, after it was washed from the Mersey Main Road.

Police would like to take this opportunity to remind people about their personal safety in or near areas which may be subject to flooding. Where possible avoid low lying areas, as flood waters can rise rapidly and do not try to cross flooded roadways in vehicles.

For flood and storm assistance, please call the SES on 132500 or 000 in an emergency.