Search and rescue exercise Flinders Island

This weekend, 12-13 March, Tasmania Police in conjunction with State Emergency Service and Ambulance Tasmania volunteers will be conducting a major search and rescue exercise on Flinders Island.

During the exercise search and rescue personnel will respond to a tsunami event, which will result in multiple marine, land and air searches fro a number of lost and missing people, as well as distress beacon alerts.

The exercise will test search methods, practices and procedures to prepare all agencies for any future event of this nature.

The public should not be alarmed if they see or hear search aircraft and vessels over and around Flinders Island.

Some members of the community may receive ‘Emergency Alert’ telephone calls advising of this exercise as a test of the public warning system.

Over 100 search and rescue personnel and volunteers will be involved in the exercise over the coming weekend.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296