Royal Visit to Tasmania

Visit to Tasmania by Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall

Tasmanians are encouraged to be part of this Thursday’s visit by Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.

The Royal Couple will take public walks through Richmond and Salamanca Place. Members of the public are invited to attend and are also encouraged to make themselves aware of changes to parking and traffic arrangements due to the visit.


Public Opportunity

The Royal Couple will walk along Bridge Street (from near the Henry Street intersection) turning right into Edward Street through to St Luke’s Church.

Members of the public are encouraged to gather on Bridge Street and Edward Street from 10.30am for the couple’s 12.10pm arrival.

Members of the public will be able to catch a glimpse of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall at approximately 2pm as she views the Richmond Bridge from a private function. Members of the public are encouraged to find a position on the southern side of the Richmond Bridge from 1.30pm.

Parking and Road Closures

From very early morning, all on-street parking on both sides will be prohibited along the following streets:

  • Bridge Street from near “The Maze” to Edward Street
  • Edward Street from Bridge Street through to St Luke’s Church
  • Wellington Street from Richmond Bridge to St John’s Circle eastern end
  • Church Street for its full length
  • St John’s Circle for its full length from 9am through to 2.15pm
  • Torrens Street from Edward Street to Henry Street
  • Henry Street from Bathurst Street to Torrens Street.

Tasmania Police will be controlling traffic and temporarily closing certain roads and detouring traffic as required. Roads to be temporarily closed at some stage between 11am and 1.30pm include:

  • Bridge Street from near “The Maze” to Edward Street
  • Edward Street from Bridge Street through to St Luke’s Church
  • Wellington Street from Richmond Bridge to St John’s Circle, eastern end, for a short period around 1pm
  • Church Street for its full length.

For more information about Richmond traffic changes, please contact Tasmania Police on 131 444.


Public Opportunity

Their Royal Highnesses will walk down Salamanca Place, from outside Wooby’s Lane to Handmark Gallery, and then across to Princes Wharf No 1 Shed. Members of the public are encouraged to gather along this route from 2.30pm for the 3.55pm walk.

Parking and Road Closures

From 11am, Council officers will start preventing vehicles from parking on either side of Salamanca Place between ‘Woobies Lane’ and the ‘Silos Link Road’, and on Castray Esplanade between Morrison Street and the ‘Silos Link Road’.

Both Salamanca Place and Castray Esplanade will also be closed to traffic for a short period by Tasmania Police when the Royal Party arrives at 3.55pm. Parking is expected to reopen immediately after the Royal Party departs the area, which will be no later than 5.15pm.

For more information about Salamanca parking arrangements, please contact Hobart City Council Consultation Officer Vince Di Tomasso on 0439 027 498.