Robbery Avalon Newsagency Hobart

Around 4.45pm yesterday evening the female employee at the Avalon newsagency in Elizabeth street Hobart was confronted by a man armed with what she believed to be a knife.

After ordering some cigarettes the male, who is described as 28 to 30 years of age with short dark hair, brown eyes, fair complexion, slim build and around 185 cm tall revealed the blade of a knife protruding from his sleeve and demanded the cash till be opened. 

The female employee refused before the offender tried to open the till and then grabbed a packet of cigarettes and ran from the premises.

As the offender left he collided with another male in Elizabeth Street before running left into Melville Street and not being seen again. 

The offender was unshaven and wearing dark trousers a black jacket with no hood and had an Australian accent.  

Hobart Detective continue investigations and would appreciate any assistance form members of the public who may have been in the vicinity at the time of the robbery or believe they have information that could assist.