Road safety operation Eastern District

Tasmania Police Eastern District Traffic Services conducted several road safety operations in the past two days as part of their strategy to improve safety on the roads for all road users.  Whilst Tasmania Police wishes to commend the majority of road users for the responsible manner in which they use our roads, there were several notable exceptions:

  • At 9am this morning in Risdon Vale a female driver was caught exceeding the speed limit, failing to wear a seat belt and exceeding .05, namely .130%.  At the time the driver had a child passenger in the vehicle.
  • On the East Derwent Highway at Otago Bay in a two hour period, 25 motorists were detected speeding.  Of the 25,  a ‘P’ plater was detected travelling at 106 km/h and two other drivers travelling at 116km/h and 110km/h respectively.  The area is subject to a 80km/h speed limit. 
  • In a one hour period on the Tasman Highway 20 motorists were detected speeding.

  • In Pass Road and Goodwins Road near Glebe Hill, 153 vehicles were checked yesterday, of which 12 Infringement Notices and 39 Defect Notices were issued. Three of the drivers were proceeded against for unlicensed driving.

The East Derwent Highway and Tasman Highway have recently been the location for  serious crashes and several minor crashes. Tasmania Police wishes to remind motorists that speeding and drink driving remain as major causative factors in fatal and serious accidents and that they will continue to conduct similar operations in the future.

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(03) 6230 2296