Return to school

For many the words ‘return to school’ are welcome relief, however while the couch is no longer occupied and the space under your feet is less cluttered, the roads on your morning and afternoon journeys are about to become busier and more congested.

Police are reminding all travellers, commuters and road users that travel times will increase next week with the influx of traffic using the States roadways.

There will be heightened enforcement activity around highways and school zones.

“It should come as no surprise to anyone that we will be conducting speed checks in areas of reduced speed zones, or that we’ll target compliance with parking zones/no standing zones, the safety of our children comes first,” said Assistant Commissioner Donna Adams.

“Compliance is key to road safety and paramount to a successful return to school journey.

“We hope that by heightening our visibility around school zones at this time of year the message of road safety really hits home,” she said.

Police urge everyone to increase their awareness of their surroundings, extend patience and courtesy and allow extra time for your journeys.

Return to School Safety Tips

  • Flashing lights on a school bus means the bus has stopped to load or unload children.  The law requires you to slow to 40kmh within 50metres.
  • Always cross at pedestrian crossings, obey all traffic signs, stoplights and safety patrol instructions.
  • Supervise young children while they wait at bus stops or cross roads.
  • Slow down and obey all traffic speed signs and stop for crossing guards on the roadway.
  • Obey parking laws around school zones.
  • Be alert.