Response to PAT claims

Tasmania Police places a high priority on any incident involving firearms, and our response to incidents over the past few months in which firearms have been discharged, is no exception.

Despite the fact that has been a recent increase in the frequency of incidents, the actual number of incidents this financial year is not significantly higher than in previous years.  There have been 16 firearm-related incidents statewide in which shots have been fired this financial year as compared with an average of 13 over the past three years.  The fact that half of the 16 incidents this year have occurred over the last two months, and most of these are in the south of the state, has led to concerns that we may be experiencing a spike in this type of behaviour.

 "The fact that we have experienced a number of incidents in recent months is obviously concerning, and something that we are closely monitoring", said Deputy Commissioner Scott Tilyard.

“Our experience is that the victims and offenders in these cases are usually known to each other and the shooting incidents are often part of ongoing disputes between these people, many of which are drug-related.  

“More often than not the parties involved are unwilling to cooperate with police, which makes charging offenders more difficult.  Despite this, police have already charged a number of people in relation to the recent incidents and the other matters remain under investigation with several lines of inquiry being pursued,” he said.

Even in those cases where police are unable to initiate prosecutions, detectives are usually able to determine exactly who was involved and what has transpired.

“While our job is to try to prevent these incidents, and investigate and charge the responsible parties when they do, our primary concern is that innocent people, especially members of the public, do not get injured in the cross-fire.  That is why we encourage anyone with information that may assist police with their investigations to come forward.  

"I can reassure the public that despite concerns raised by the Police Association today, reductions to the Department's budget have not adversely impacted on our response to, and investigation of, these incidents," Mr Tilyard said.

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