Rescue Overland Track – Windermere Hut

On Saturday 9th November 2019 at 1515hrs emergency services were notified of the activation of 2x EPIRBs on the overland track in the Lake St Clair – Cradle Mountain NP.

Due to the poor weather conditions, including further recent snow fall in the area, Police Land Search and Rescue teams were deployed to the area, with a Parks and Wildlife Ranger attending the area from Windermere Hut.

The group was located by the Park Ranger at about 1830hrs sheltering from the weather in a tent. Two persons were found suffering from moderate hypothermia due to the hazardous weather conditions. The group was subsequently escorted to Windermere Hut for the night, and are scheduled to be extracted on Sunday morning from the area by Tasmania Police Search and Rescue.

Police would like to remind those people planning to walk the overland track to be aware of the current changes to the start of the track with the temporary closure of Waterfall Valley Hut, to be adequately prepared for the continuous changing conditions, and consider the weather warnings before commencing the walk.