Rescue from stricken yacht

At 10.21pm on Sunday 31 October, Tasmania Police and the Coastguard received a report a yacht moored at Croppies Point was breaking its anchor and taking on water in high seas.

The vessel, a timber 36 foot yacht, had sailed from Sydney for Launceston and was moored between Croppies Point and South Croppies Point in Anderson Bay.

Police from Scottsdale attended the area immediately and established flashlight communications with the sole occupant of the vessel, a 56 year old woman from Sydney.

Tasmania Police Search and Rescue were advised and arrangements were made for the launching of a police vessel and helicopter to rescue the occupant of the stricken yacht.

At 12.15am the following morning, police and local residents at Croppies Point were able to descend a cliff and reach the yacht. The woman was returned to land and taken to Scottsdale Hospital by ambulance.  She was cold and wet but well.

The fate of the yacht is unknown however it is expected to break up in the heavy seas.  A warning in relation to a possible navigable obstruction has been passed to the coastguard and MAST.

The solo yachtsman was well equipped.  She had called in her distress by VHF and marine radio, had flares, an EPIRB, a GPS device and was wearing a PFD at the time of her rescue. Police say that without the necessary safety equipment on board the outcome may have been different.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296