Report on Government Services 2013

New national figures released show community confidence in Tasmania Police continues to be strong.

The Report on Government Services 2013 shows Tasmanians rate higher than the national average in their belief that their police service is fair, honest and professional.

The Productivity Commission report is an important accountability tool providing information to the community on the relative efficiency and effectiveness of government services in each jurisdiction in Australia.

Tasmania Police scored well in relation to most of the key performance indicators.

The Report shows 76.7% of Tasmanians were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the services provided by police; a result higher than the national average and the second highest satisfaction rate of any Australian jurisdiction.

Tasmanians also continue to feel safer than the national average in their homes and in public places.  The National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing 2011-12 indicates 95.8% of Tasmanians surveyed felt ‘safe or very safe’ at home alone during the day, and 90.3% during the night, above the national averages.  Tasmanians also rated higher than the national average in perceptions of safety when walking or jogging locally during the day or at night.

The number of complaints against police has decreased to 20 per 100,000 population, which was the second lowest of all the jurisdictions.

In comparison with the national average, Tasmania Police recorded a higher proportion of investigations into recorded crimes against the person and recorded crimes against property finalised at 30 days.

The Report also shows Tasmania’s juvenile diversions as a proportion of juvenile offenders continues to be the best of all jurisdictions, with 61%.  This is a positive result as it illustrates the strong commitment to diversionary approaches.