Reminder to secure vehicles

Queenstown police have recently apprehended three youths in relation to stealing cash from vehicles parked in the street. Every vehicle the youths targeted was an unlocked vehicle. The youths will be proceeded against in accordance with the youth justice legislation.

Police take this opportunity to remind motorists to lock their vehicles when they leave them unattended, even in their own driveway or yard. It is preferable that cars are secured off the road wherever possible, especially when being parked overnight.

Valuable items should not be left on display in cars, as this may tempt opportunist thefts.

Police recently conducted a check of cars in the streets of the main Queenstown business area and found numerous vehicles unsecure. Those car owners will be receiving a reminder letter highlighting the need to lock their cars.

If anyone notices any suspicious behaviour around parked cars they are asked to contact the Queenstown police station on 64713020. 


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296