Recruit Graduation Today (28-Feb)

Tasmania Police’s recruits are ready to take on a new challenge after their graduation today.

Over the past 28 weeks, the 24 recruits have undertaken training including road policing, physical training, scenario based training and investigations and operational skills.

From Monday, the new Constables will be stationed around the state: 13 to Hobart, 7 to Launceston, 3 to Devonport and 1 to Burnie.

The Constables bring a range of experiences and life skills to the job. Previous careers include a nurse, motivational speaker and statistician.

Former Olympic cycling gold medallist, 51 year old Michael Grenda, will return to his family when he takes up his position in Launceston.

“The training to prepare the recruits for the challenges ahead has been excellent and I’m looking forward to working with and helping the community,” said Constable Grenda.

39 year old Paul Kruse, a former plumber, carpenter and SES volunteer from the Huon Valley, will take his growing family, including a newborn, to Devonport. Constable Kruse’s second child was born on Wednesday.

“We’re taking on all the big life changes at once. 20 years ago I applied to be a police officer and I’m keen to get to work and become part of the Devonport community,” said Constable Kruse.

The Dux of the graduating class is 36 year old Jamie Harriss, who has a sales executive background and will be posted in Hobart.

“I congratulate the recruits on their graduation and extend them a warm welcome as Constables in Tasmania Police,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“They will find serving the community as a police officer a rewarding and challenging career and I wish them well,” said Mr Hine.

The recruit course which began in October will graduate in May. A new recruit course will be held in July.