Recovery of stolen dirt bikes

Recovery of stolen dirt bikes

 Members of Bellerive CIB were able to give, two young boys from Sorell, good news on Monday afternoon when they recovered a couple of stolen dirt bikes.

The boys bikes were stolen from their locked garage on 18th January 15.

Using information received from members of the public, Bellerive CIB and Bridgwater police attended an address at Herdsmans Cove and searched the property.

Police recovered the two stolen Crossfire 70cc dirt bikes, in good condition.

Although stored in a locked garage the bikes had not been insured at the time they were stolen. The boys were very relieved to have the bikes returned and in good condition.

Police would like to remind members of the public to insure their valuables and secure them as best they can. Police recommend owners of motorcycles in general invest in chain locks with secure anchor points.

Investigations into the theft are still continuing and charges are pending against a 22 year old woman from the Herdmans Cove area.

Anyone with information in relation to the theft of dirt bikes is asked to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.