Reassurance on firearm crime

The Tasmanian community can be reassured that Tasmania Police takes all firearm crime and armed robberies extremely seriously and prioritises the investigation of these crimes.

“Understandably, these serious crimes do cause concern. However I want to assure the community that armed robberies in Tasmania are below the national average,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“While these incidents generate a lot of publicity, it’s important to look at the overall picture. There have been 27 armed robberies so far this year, compared to 86 armed robberies in 2012.

“And of the 27 armed robberies to 31 May this year, firearms have been used in six incidents.

“Tasmania Police is continuing to implement effective strategies to reduce the number of armed robberies. Police also have a strong track record on resolving these crimes; 71% of armed robberies last year were cleared,” said Mr Hine.


“I would also like to provide some perspective on continued media reporting of rumours that firearm thefts are linked to leaks from the Tasmania Police Firearm Database.

“We have examined the firearms database and there is no evidence available to suggest that its integrity has been compromised,” said Mr Hine.

Almost 21,000 firearm licences were renewed through the Firearms Database in 2012 and 6,000 firearm licences will be renewed this year; however a small proportion of burglaries (1.6%) in Tasmania this financial year have involved the theft of firearms.

“In addition to the lack of evidence of any breach, I want to point out that the Firearms Database does not contain information on the location of gun safes in premises,” said Mr Hine.

“Unfortunately, firearms are targeted because they can be sold. We take firearm thefts very seriously, and a number of offenders have been charged over recent months.”

Tasmania Police are currently conducting Operation Unification to target illegal firearms in the community and we would welcome any information to assist in this operation. Any information can be provided to Crime Stoppers on 18 00 333 000.