Rail Safety Week – Police Response

Rail Safety Week (RSW) has now concluded nationally for 2014. TasRail and Tasmania Police have worked collaboratively throughout the week to highlight the dangers of disregarding the Road Rules around level crossings and also those pedestrians putting themselves at risk when trespassing on railway infrastructure.

During the course of RSW, Tasmania Police has provided increased attention to rail crossings across the state with particular attention within the Northern and Western Districts in order to gain a heightened awareness and compliance to road safety.

Throughout the week police have attended:

  • 113 Rail Crossings with lights flashing; and
  • 83 Rail Crossings with STOP signage whilst trains are in the near vicinity.

“It is unfortunate that 4 motorists have been issued Police Infringement Notices for failing to stop at level crossings, contrary to the Australia Road Rules, said Inspector Shane LeFevre.

“Additionally, police are undertaking further enquiries in regards to an offence committed on the Midlands Highway relating to a level crossing on Saturday and a further offence in the Devonport area,” he said.

With Rail Safety Week now concluded, it is important to highlight the continued dangers related to railways and level crossings to both the motoring public and pedestrians encroaching on railway infrastructure. The risk of serious injury is ever present.

“Police will be continuing their focus on rail crossings and raising awareness of the dangers associated with levels crossings and trespassing on rail tracks generally,” said Inspector LeFevre.